Thanks to the generous support of the Department of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation (IRRR) and Minnesota Housing Partnership, ERJPB is launching the Seller Readiness Rehabilitation Program to support local sellers with the completion of home repairs that will allow homes to meet financing criteria. 

As part of the established East Range Joint Powers Board Local Housing Trust Fund, the East Range Seller Readiness Rehabilitation Program (SRRP) is a revolving loan fund that assists sellers with the completion of home repairs that will allow homes to meet standard financing criteria. Loan funds can pay for the costs of materials and workmanship to remedy deficiencies in the condition of the property which would prevent the buyer of the property from obtaining, if otherwise qualified, USDA, FHA, or VA purchase financing loans due to the property’s substandard housing condition. 

When a home does not meet USDA/FHA/VA financing requirements, the program will loan sellers funds to hire a contractor to make the fixes listed by an appraiser. The program finances up to $5,000 in repairs and sustains itself through a 10% administration fee. The loan and administrative fees are paid upon closing of the property. 

Any owner or legally authorized seller in the four East Range communities (City of Aurora, City of Biwabik, City of Hoyt Lakes, Town of White) is encouraged to apply!  

Learn more in the full program guidelines and get started with the application. For any questions regarding this program, please contact ERJPB Administrative Assistant Cherie Grams at or (218) 780-6144. 

This program is made possible through support from the East Range Joint Powers Board, IRRR, and Minnesota Housing Partnership. It was developed by members of the East Range Housing Institute cohort in response to a demonstrated need on the East Range. Participants on the committee are Jeff Jacobson (Biwabik), Mary Lockwood (Aurora), Norma Jean Jofs (Next Door Realty), Cherie Grams (Hoyt Lakes/ERJPB), Curt Anttila (Town of White), Crystal Royer (United Way of Northeast Minnesota), and Karl Schuettler (Northspan Group). 

Special thanks to our Minnesota Housing Partnership Liaison, Rosemary Fagrelius, for guiding the committee’s work over the past year and helping to establish the SRRP.